De innerlijke ruimte
Aysegul Agaclitepe
Het onzichtbare zichtbaar maken
In het heden is NU de ander kwetsbaar en fragiel. Samenkomen is heden tien dagen vergeten. Het belang van ontmoeting, het missen van creativiteit en het leren van elkaar. Het is een zoektocht naar het terug verbinden met de ander. Met een ruimte die van de oudheid al bestaat, die anders is, een heterotopie van zijn tijd. Een terugblik naar de oudheid. Zonder de aanwezigheid van een patio zou er geen bestaan van een villa kunnen zijn, daarom was het meteen een gedeelde plek. In een patio waar de ander samenkwam, werd gezien als een ontmoetingsplek. De publieke ruimte bestaat niet meer. Het streven om de publieke ruimte te vormen, die vertrekt vanuit de innerlijke ruimte van de ander. Een poëtische marge waar de ziel van de andere zal raken.
De patio geeft een thuisgevoel, waarin architectuur vertrouwd zal geraken. Het streefpunt is om van de patio een zichtbare publieke plek te maken dat gedeeld wordt met de ander. De bewustwording van de ander is essentieel, maar deze wordt vandaag de dag vergeten.
Een metafoor van een patio. Een ruimte die gedeeld geraakt met de buitenwereld, waarbij het interieur openstaat en tegelijkertijd in verbinding is met de buitenwereld. Het start vanuit een omsloten patio waardoor de wand zich ontwikkelt door de naar binnen gerichte kleinere patio. Deze trekt de karakteristieke eigenschappen van de buitenwereld naar binnen. Door de omkering van een ruimte in een ruimte ontstaat er een patio in een patio. Deze omkeerbaarheid, vormt een drempelloze toegankelijkheid naar de innerlijke ruimte.
Zo wordt de onzichtbare wereld zichtbaar voor de buitenwereld, en wordt de onzichtbare onzichtbaar.

a place with peace
Evelyn Rodríguez
Este arbol puedes encontarlo a dos horas caminando de la ciudad de Tlaxiaco, Oaxaca. Este espacio se ha convertido en un lugar en donde puedo conectar conmigo misma, donde el cielo besa sultilmente a la tierra cuando miras al horizonte.

Nostalgia de la infancia
Cuando somos niños empezamos a experimentar con los lugares que se encuentran al rededor de nosotros. Se convierte en nuestrobentorno inmediato.
Todxs tenemos algún lugar el cual frecuentábamos mucho de pequeñxs.
Este parque es mi lugar de infancia. :)

Mi lugar favorito
Alejandra Gutiérrez Quiroga
Todos buscamos un lugar en el cual sentirnos seguros y tal vez únicos. Ese lugar es el llamado "montículo" de mi país, Bolivia. Se volvió el lugar en el cual puedo realizar la actividad que más me gusta y género un nuevo amor a la fotografía.
Mi experiencia en ese lugar fue muy especial para mí ya que era la primera vez que yo hacía algo sola, era como la manera de probarme a mi misma y a mi famila que yo podía y que ya era mayor de edad, fui a montículo, un lugar céntrico en mi ciudad y totalmente nuevo para mi. Estaba caminando, observando todo y lo que más me llamó la atención fue la vista ya que se veía una montaña muy característica de mi ciudad el Illimani pero al momento en que la vi fue espectacular ya que estaba como en un cuadro debido a que se encontraban dos árboles que reflejaban, para mí, la naturaleza de mi país, así que le saque una foto, ahí nació mi amor a la fotografía, encontré un nuevo pasatiempo y lo segundo fue que se volvió el lugar en el que puedo expresarme libremente ya que empecé a pintar en mi cuaderno de dibujo. Así encontré mi lugar favorito.

Childhood Nostalgia
Todxs tenemos un parque al cual siempre íbamos de niños, este es el que marcó mi infancia :)

Al-Alwan (social project of training and occupational education)
Bayt al-Thaqafa Foundation
"Al-Alwan" is a social project of training and occupational education with community impact carried out by the Bayt al-Thaqafa Foundation with young migrants without family references in the territory, young people who are cared for by the Bayt al-Thaqafa Youth Program, and who have special difficulties in accessing the world of working.
The "Al-Alwan" Project offers occupational training and vocational training for these young people, carrying out training in technical knowledge in the sector of cleaning urban spaces and, especially, specialized painting (both maintenance and painting of metal blinds for commercial premises), and in addition, this training includes other, transversal, basic skills to promote access to the world of work.
The community impact of the project is linked to actions to improve the environment of the neighborhoods where the project is carried out; specifically, the neighborhoods of Sant Pere, Santa Caterina and La Ribera in the city of Barcelona (in Spain), through the collaboration of different businesses, social entities and the public employment placement company "Barcelona Activa". With this, the service of cleaning, maintenance and artistic painting of metal blinds of the premises of different businesses, entities and ground floors, which face the street, was carried out, all transforming the urban reality from a social perspective.
So, the project transforms the public space (shutters of premises facing the street) of the neighborhood, offering more pleasant and artistic streets, and involving the people who own the shops, in addition to training young migrants for their employment.

Micro-interventions of acupuncture and urban hacking that diversify and increase the relationship between children and the public space through the act of playing. The purpose of JUGAPatraix is to vindicate the sidewalks, streets and daily routes as playful spaces that improve and enriche the learning, well-being and spontaneous and free play of children.
The interventions have been designed and created by: FENT ESTUDI COOP.V., MAKEA, EL TRENET, FAP, ETSAV.

Utopian place
Amir Chelly
"City of Cats" refers to one of the poorer district of the city of Sousse. There are a lot of cats there, hence the moniker. The vivid blue buildings and antique doors that draw us in with their decor are what make this region distinctive. The generosity and compassionate handling of cats shown by the locals in this area set them unique. I recently came to this specific place after becoming disoriented in one of its little alleyways. Until I was helped by a group of kids I noticed, who in the meantime put sardines to feed the cats, whom in turn rushed in from all directions as soon as they scented the fish. This area seems to be a cat's paradise on earth, as cats live there contentedly and joyously. From this point on, I had the notion to use the blue walls of the houses as mirrors to symbolize the comfortable lifestyle that cats enjoy . I affixed the wallpaper that had been printed with my digital paintings, which were inspired by the gaming world, with the assistance of the neighborhood youngsters. The blue houses' exteriors resembled the sky and the sea, therefore clouds were added to make them look like the sky. Afterwards, a few cats were scattered among the homes to give the impression that they were pursuing a school of fish. these posters depict cats coexisting peacefully, which reflects the privacy of the place. i decided to stick the posters on these houses precisely because of their vast roofs and their shading, to ensure their durability. The kids were ecstatic about this project, and they were even more ecstatic when they realized that cats are like cartoon characters, and that the colors they use are ones that kids are familiar with. This stoked their enthusiasm for helping me cut out the posters and glue them on.

‘El ganchillo de la araña hembra’
Sarah Misselbrook
The female Tiger Spider makes its web following the crochet pattern. She is big and spectacular in nature and now shows her work on this facade. The language of the women, the crochet symbols and the unique signature to stabilise her fabric, this is done with love.
I created this large scale painted artwork on the facade of a building in the centre of Riba-roja d'Ebre, Catalunya, Spain as part of the Riu d'art residency. The tiger spider can be seen in the local countryside and their webs are incredibly strong. Their bodies are enormous with details like armour.
After further esearch I discovered that this spider is the female tiger spider and it is generally larger than the male.
It makes its web between structures and creates a unique signature to stabilize and personalize its creation.
Talking with the owner of this house, I discovered that she loves to crochet. The crochet techniqe is being preserved here mostly by the women of the village. It is these female activities that protect and continue vital cultural traditions.
Riu d'art
The mural discusses ideas of human control and natural chaos. Linking our significant journey inside the Riba-roja d'Ebre hydroelectric dam, the dam opening, Sebes Nature Reserve wetlands, striking birds, wind turbines, fish, poppies, rosemary and olives. All alongside illustrated images on upcycled plastic bottle caps depicting personalised features relative to Otto and his house, pets and the area.The scene is inspired by our travels around the area and all the scenery it offers. It includes:
• the dam which we received a private tour of, specifically the control room panel, visually inspired by the source of the dams power and control.
• The Sebes Nature Reserve where the installation of the dam created wetlands, a fantastic area where wildlife and nature can roam free
• and Santo Domingo an area where the original constructors of the dam built there homes and lives
Continuing with the chaotic and controlled theme, it bled into the painting techniques we used, considering every opportunity to link back to the overriding concept to cover this 12 meter space. Jodie Lilley was master of the control area. Here she carefully drafted and constructed the crisp sharp angles lines and mathematically aligning the up-cycled wooden pallet to perfection.
Emma Jones and Eden Parkes were leading the freedom of chaotic growth, using paint splatter techniques and simplified shapes to create a meandering area of life.
I drafted the silhouette shapes of the birds in flight and feed, constructing a composition mentally as I went to keep a feeling of loose freedom and uncontrollability. The perspective shifting stork contrasts with the birds-eye view of the fish, touching on a sense of visual distortion.
The title of the mural ‘Sempreviva’ translated into English is ‘Always Alive’. We found this to be a fitting title as it portrays the overarching theme that Mother Nature is always going to find a way, is always alive and that we cannot control her.
To our delight the mural has been chosen to feature in this years Lacuna Festival in Lanzarote with the theme ‘Clash’. The work will be featured in their digital exhibition in July with presentation of our inspirations.
Our collaborative mural was a gratifying and satisfying process, inspired by our collective journey and significant experiences we felt lucky and grateful to encounter. The entire concept of this street art project is inspiring, alongside the inspiring people who donate their private space for a community based and social project. I’d like to thank Otto for donating his wall and for him to trust us.” (Text by Diva Keith)

Cinéma à la fenêtre (en néerlandais c'est Raam), CINE-raam-MA. Une fenêtre devient un écran de projection. Le projecteur à l'intérieur, les spectateurs se sont rassemblés à l'extérieur sur le trottoir.

Des câlins/doudous sans fin à la porte du garage pendant l'été 2020 corona. Des gens étonnés et souriants derrière leurs masques buccaux.
Notre oeuvre dans le cadre du projet MUSÉE EN RUE de la commune de Koekelberg et GC De Platoo.
Une simple boîte en carton avec une invitation à également déposer un doudou. Le plaisir de donner et de recevoir et de partager en retour.