Sound of peace
This place reminds me of childhood. Sometimes I come here just to sit and enjoy the view. I let the warmth wrap me in a hug and comfort me as i dream of the good old days. This is a place where i let myself think of you, father. I think of the joke you told me, the kiss on the forhead you gave me. I know as i sit here, you are sitting next to me. This is the place where i can feel you. I feel you sitting next to me, smilling, enjoying the sun setting in the distance. This is the place where i you can hear me. I will forever be gratefull of the memories we made, for the feelings i feel when i am here. This will forever be my favourite place.

Conciencia y agradecimiento
Donde estoy?
Conciencia material, habito este cuerpo.
Boca seca, donde esta el vaso con agua? sabor a una noche pasada, trago con dificultad, boca seca, sed, trago de nuevo y por impulso abro los ojos, observo, respiro.
Agradezco y me levanto.

Espejo humeante
Mercedes Aquí
“Espejo humeante” 2022 es mi participación en los Altares Espejo de la Ceremonia por la renovación del mundo del pueblo Wixárika, para cuidar y defender la vida en el desierto de Wirikuta, México. La primera imagen es la cima del cerro Quemado con el circulo de piedras donde se realiza la ceremonia. La segunda es la instalación en el basurero de Real de Catorce, un pequeño pueblo hubicado en el estado de San Luis Potosí

The curtain light
Abdul kafeel
La luz que entra por la cortina de la ventana de mi dormitorio me despierta cada mañana para darme los buenos días. Bebo un té mientras abro las cortinas para empezar el día.
Buenos días Barcelona...

The performative power of determinate negation
Anthony McInneny
Plaza Baquedano was established in 1929 and replaced Plaza Italia which was named after a gift from the Italian Kingdom to Chile to celebrate the 1st centenary of the Republic of Chile. That monument gift is still located in Plaza Baquedano. Plaza Baqeudano is a more fitting name for the public space/monument that is the main place for public celebrations and demonstrations in Santiago, the capital of Chile. It is dedicated to General Manuel Baquedano who lead the Chilean Army to victory against the Peruvian-Bolivian alliance in the late 19C Pacific War. Plaza Baqedano, with the monument to General Baquedano by renowned sculptor Virginio Arias, also contained the unknown soldier’s remains from the Pacific War and the busiest Metro station in the Metropolitan network, Metro Baquedano. The urban insurrection, which began on 18 October 2019 with the arson attack on 20 Metro stations in 6 hours, is unrelenting, violent, and destructive. The decimation of the are within a 1 kilometre radius of Plaza Baquedona is entire. This área is called Ground Zero. The material damage in this área alone is 106 million USD. 80% of businesses are still protected behind welded sheet metal facades. The entrance to Metro Baquedano is permanently welded shut and the concourse is reduced to rubble, smashed up by hand with hammer and crowbar for missiles to throw at pólice. After the attempts to topple the monument to General Baquedano were not successful, the last attempt on International Women’s Day 2021, the National Council of Monuments decided to remove the sculpture to protect it and placed a 3 meter high, welded sheet metal cube around the emptied plinth and the tomb of the unknown soldier that was able to withstand the impact of a vehicle traveling at 80 kilometers/hour. On the second anniversary of 18 October, the usual Friday night riots, arson, and looting that is now called traditional protest destroyed the metal wall. In consultation with the Armed Forces, the National Council of Monuments decided to exhume the remains of the unknown soldier for fear that they would be exhumed by the regular rioters now called political prisoners if they are arrested for such crimes. Supporters of this violence and destruction, including the recently elected President and former Student Protest Leader, not only are calling for an amnesty for all crimes committed since 18 October but want to rename Plaza Baquedano, Plaza de la Dignidad (Plaza of Dignity). This is a fitting name for the materialization of what Marxist Philosopher called the Power of Determinate Negation and which the Cultural Industry applauds as art activism, the art of protest.

The homesick
Every day, when I open the window, I see a picture of my hometown in Brazil.
During the gray winter days in Belgium, I look at this photo and I say to myself "today might be gray, but I carry that sun inside me everywhere."
Winner of the fourth prize of the A-Place Mapping contest "Share your experiences of domestic places" 2022

Domestic Gestures
Ana Jovanovska
Domestic Gestures is a part of The New Normal series which is a personal documentary project, accumulative, poetical, and a longful one, in a time of physical distancing and social solidarity, police curfews, and restrictions. It exists as a way of making sense of and record the passing of time.

Memories on the shelf
On the shelf in the living room of my apartment, above the fireplace, I see the gift of two friends I met during my international master's degree in Gent, Belgium (one from India and the other from Mexico). I don't know when or if I will see them again, but I know it was a connection far beyond beliefs, cultures or habits. It was just a person to person connection and every time I look at these gifts, I think about how I felt when I was with them, the dinners we used to prepare with different dishes that I had never tasted before, and how amazing it was to share and exchange these new experiences with them...

Punto de Referencia
Aquest lloc és molt transitat per alumnes i pares de família que pertanyen a aquesta comunitat, però pensem que és una cosa avorrida, de manera que voldríem donar-li més vida i poder col·locar alguna cosa que sigui un punt de referència.

Finding a-place
Isabella Jaramillo
Analizing this place we saw the big potential this area has, thanks to the combination of nature and mandmade. Also we notice that there are no activities or attracting alements that potentiates any use in this place.

Emilia Piccione, Berta García, Alejandro González
The possible intervention and the place generate a new connection between the housing and public space. The place links the coexistence of these spaces with the tranquility of its recesses. The streetlights allow a possible intervention to be extended both horizontally and vertically to generate a point of attraction between the poles. Finally, the place tries to activate and connect but at the same time maintain the essence of tranquility.

Final rambla marina bellvitge
Em triat aquest espai perquè pensem que és un espai desaprofitat i és un bon lloc on parar-se per pensar o asseure's a mirar la ciutat.