Memorias tangibles
Nohelia Romano
A lo largo de los años, generamos vínculos sentimentales con lugares y cosas. Aunque no representen permanencia, como seres humanos solemos asociar memorias con lugares, por que es en donde nuestros sentimientos se tornan tangibles. Considere este parque como ´´lugar´´ por que es lo que me viene a la memoria cuando pienso en infancia, infancia para mi representa, aprendizaje, crecimiento, niñez, y, sobre todo, diversión. Con el paso del tiempo olvidamos lo importante que esta última, lo importante que es reír, disfrutar, compartir. Que, a final de cuentas, es lo que nos hace sentir vivos, que estamos aquí. En ese lugar tengo recuerdos en los que solía compartir mi tiempo con los vecinos, por que representaba para nosotros un punto de encuentro, de convivencia, de compartir e interactuar unos con los otros.

The corner of memories
All my memories, all the souveniers of my roots, places I have visited, friends gifts stay together in this shrine that makes me fell I'm closer to the people and places I love
Winner of the fourth prize of the A-Place Mapping contest "Share your experiences of domestic places" 2022

Break Free and Inspire
Azbah Ansari
My high school student life was all about studying and focusing on grades and intellectual discussions. In childhood I enjoyed arts and crafts activities, but as we grew it was all left behind. After graduation, when I had time to slow down and look around my room and reflect on how my room didn't reflect my personality, not as a child, not even now. There were many difficult memories as well. So then I chose to make my room look more like me and who I want to be. I didn't care of my age, I just listened to my inner child and expressed her on my walls however it liked. So the butterflies (wild and free) after years of isolation and transformation were ready to fly and inspire. Now, whenever I look at this (once beige and uninspiring wall) fills me with joy and motivation to do something new and amazing. My nieces and nephews whenever visit me, they first come to my room and expresses joy and admiration for this wall. They say in awe, "wow, so many butterflies" and I have noticed them displaying their artwork on wall as well in their house and their parents allow them too because they have seen me do it too. I sit here on this couch (that I consider a floor mat, with a height) and make my to do list and also do my chakra tapping exercises and what not. I enjoy this place in my room, my seclusion zone full of creative freedom and expressin.

The Squatter dreams
Suruchi Didolkar
Squatters are often considered the filth of our cities. These are a group of underprivileged dispossessed families who migrated to urban areas in search of livelihoods. One such Squatter housing in Mumbai where the adjoining neighbourhood depends on them for daily help like maids, clerks, watchman, tiffin services, etc. As they provide the help, their living conditions are always neglected. Living on the encroached lands along sewage lines bearing erratic climatic battles like floods, fires and serious health disorders, leaves behind the only dream of normal city life and an end to their miseries...