Punto de Referencia
Aquest lloc és molt transitat per alumnes i pares de família que pertanyen a aquesta comunitat, però pensem que és una cosa avorrida, de manera que voldríem donar-li més vida i poder col·locar alguna cosa que sigui un punt de referència.

Emilia Piccione, Berta García, Alejandro González
The possible intervention and the place generate a new connection between the housing and public space. The place links the coexistence of these spaces with the tranquility of its recesses. The streetlights allow a possible intervention to be extended both horizontally and vertically to generate a point of attraction between the poles. Finally, the place tries to activate and connect but at the same time maintain the essence of tranquility.

Community haven
The Bondi Icebergs is a much, photographed iconic place. The pool was built in the late 1930’s so local swimmers and life savers could maintain their fitness during the winter months – hence the name. Much has been written about swimming pools being great equalizers in terms of their appeal to all ages, of all shapes and sizes, and social classes, as well as being captivating sites for people watching. For me, The Icebergs is a place of solace, a time for clearing the mind while swimming, a time for quiet and reflection while watching the surf, the changing life on the beach in the distance. It holds a sense of being together while simultaneously being in a bubble of solitude.
It is inspiring to see people, at least in their 70s, still swimming throughout the year, and this display of stoicism and is one of the reasons I chose to move to the area. The Icebergs is deeply embedded within the community, as well as welcoming to those from afar. It’s a social place with its club membership, and races held every Sunday throughout Winter, as well as a bustling community venue. A free walkway affords spectators a closer view, while an entry fee is required for the pool, but still I see it as a public space reflected and used by so many - a locus of community.

Parklet - a space for people
Luisa Bravo
The Parklet in Bologna is a space for people, it is a combination of human-oriented design with nature-based solutions. It is a pleasant and unexpected opporunity to enjoy the street as a real public space, in between a long line of cars. It hosts daily activities of the neighbourhood, for family, kids, elderly, small events and temporary art installations from local residents. Very attractive and with a unique atmosphere.

The Squatter dreams
Suruchi Didolkar
Squatters are often considered the filth of our cities. These are a group of underprivileged dispossessed families who migrated to urban areas in search of livelihoods. One such Squatter housing in Mumbai where the adjoining neighbourhood depends on them for daily help like maids, clerks, watchman, tiffin services, etc. As they provide the help, their living conditions are always neglected. Living on the encroached lands along sewage lines bearing erratic climatic battles like floods, fires and serious health disorders, leaves behind the only dream of normal city life and an end to their miseries...
Culture, Spaces & People
Daksh Jain
The browns of the walls have grown pale and peel. The wooden drawers are the cash register. The lone chandelier, dusting peeling paintwork and ceiling fans that whirr above the chattering crowd with life-sized cutouts of the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge smiling down at visitors from the dining room's slightly slanting balcony, amongst all this pageantry, Welcome to Britannia & Co in Ballard Estate, Mumbai. One of the many Iranian/Parsi cafes in Mumbai, it is one of the most revered space to learn the cultural extravaganza of Parsi community. This place is a phenomenon of cultural capital that has been exported from a foreign land, brought to this land by a settler community and yet it has ingrained itself in the rhizomatic layers of the city. These cafes, with their magnificently faded, time-capsule dining rooms and speciality dishes, are a gloriously eccentric part of the fabric of Mumbai. They are democratic and inclusive places, where people of all backgrounds, classes and sexes meet to indulge in conversations, cuisine and langauage that forms the crux of intangible cultural heritage of the city.
While I sip my Irani chai(tea) with Maska-bun and wholesome Berry Pulao, I wonder how a smaller space like this has been a witness to mutilitudes of stories, emotions and cultural transactions over a century and has formed a cultural niche in the identity and imageability of the city.

No. 18 Haralambie Botescu Street, Bucharest, Romania, January 2011. I was documenting the destruction of one of the most famous and picturesque heritage sites from Bucharest when I saw an old beggar sitting on the porch of a sports betting store. The 19th century building, originally an old inn with passages with, was due to be demolished as it stood in the way of a new city boulevard. This eventually happened two years after I took this photo, despite being a protected site.

Spirituality descending upon Simplicity
Taher Abdel-Ghani
In Old Cairo, I went up one of the minarets that overlooks a narrow traditional commercial street that cuts through the hustle and bustle of the area. It was shortly past noon, and the sun projected the shadows of the minarets onto the rooftops of small informal houses. Upon seeing this, I came to realize the clash of tradition with contemporary methodologies in how our cities are shaped. We, products of contemporary products, do not see or buy or even comprehend genuineness any longer. We follow the national agenda of globalization. On the other hand, local inhabitants are the ones who resist the foreign market. Their resilience defines their identity. They create their own economy and city. Their spirit beautifies their simplicity.
Winner of the third prize of the A-Place Mapping contest "Share your experience of places" 2021

Paso por aquí todos los días, así que quiero cambiar cosa mala de ahí
Bolé Àngel Wu
Esta foto es de una experiencia negativa, porque todas las mañanas cuando camino por este jardín veo gente tirando basura en él, a veces la basura huele mal y me dan ganas de irme de allí lo antes posible, porque espero que a través de esto, la gente no tire basura, para que la gente pueda tirar la basura a la basura a voluntad, así que esto es muy importante para mí.