Patio de yaya
Jenn Fersobe
Es un patio con un árbol de mangos como corazón, orquídeas consentidas y demás plantas que traen vida y recuerdos a la casa. En el patio de yaya nos bañamos con agua de la manguera en días calurosos. En el patio de yaya recogiamos mangos cada vez que llegaba la temporada. En el patio de yaya celebramos nuestros cumpleaños, colgamos luces en los arboles para navidad, asi como tambien llegue a sembrar plantas. Durante los inicios de covid-19, pasé todas las tardes en el patio de yaya para estar fuera de las 4 paredes. Entre estas se mantienen las memorias en el patio de yaya. A este lugar siempre le llamamos casa de yaya, patio de yaya, y asi siempre será.

Conectando con Barrancas
Cada mañana mi hermano me acompañaba caminando al colegio primario a las 6.45am y pasaríamos caminando por Barrancas de Belgrano cantando sus canciones de rap favoritas del momento. Por el mediodía, pasaría a buscarme por el colegio y antes de llegar a barrancas, frenaríamos en un kiosco a comprar dos obleas bonobon q disfrutábamos comiendo sentados en el parque por 5min, luego volveríamos a casa contentos listos para el almuerzo. Con el pasar del tiempo ya en el secundario, comencé a darle otra utilidad a la plaza, esta vez para ir a tomar mates por la tarde con mis amigas, o para previar por la noche los fines de semana. Hoy en día vivo a media hora de aquella plaza, pero siempre que paso en auto para ir a la Universidad, recuerdo todas aquellas memories.

Alba Baro Vaquero
I have always live near my city´s park. It is a park that unfolds along the riverbank, on a long walk made of pink and grey tiles on the high zone, and sand, brushes and giant trees on the low one.
A park is a peculiar place from which to observe a city. Since I was a little child I watch the passerby from my window and think about it as a kaleidoscope, through which the city reveals itself in its most anomalies shapes and most intensive colors.
In the park the city and its inhabitants dress up (dresses printed with flowers and phosphorescent sport-wear), they play at being what they are not, and at the same time (thanks to these masks) they undress, they move and allow themselves to breath in a way that they are no allow to do it on the sidewalks and urbanized streets. They seem to be disoriented or lost, uncomfortable due to the absence of traffic noise and the rowdy singing of birds.
Since I was a child, I also sometimes became a walker (the always ephemeral inhabitant of a park). There was once when I got lost in the park. In the middle of a tantrum I started running furiously. When I realized that I was alone I started to cry. Now I think that my tears were also caused by a subtle emotion: I was feeling at the brink of a possible adventure, as those lonely children who star in the tales of witches and ogres.
This photo was taken during the 2020´s pandemic, when all the country was confined. During most than a month the park remained closed, fenced off by police ribbons (as if a crime has been committed). Then, we were allowed to go out just for hour. During those days, from my window, I observed this couple sitting in the same bank, observing, in turn together in silence the park still deserted and savage, as is after years (maybe a entire life) of absence they have found again. And I, after all this time (my entire life), in a certain way, I found my-self reflected in them.

Ghost City
Signboards, arrows and so on are not always leading you to the destination. A place definition may change by passing times.

Montreal's Back Alleys
Montreal's alleys are fantastic public spaces, that the City and its citizens started to recognize some years ago. They are extraordinary spaces of privacy, creativity and freedom, cherished by many parents... and children.

“La mini rotonda”
Aquest lloc està just a baix de casa meva i a part es on vaig pasar la meva infancia jugant amb els meus amics i amigues.

Parque nuevo
Angela Gil
El parque nuevo es un sitio donde todos hemos ido algún vez de pequeños, pero seguramente nos habremos caído miles de veces.

Passeig Bellvitge
Quan era més petita a l’hora de tornar casa de l’escola o a l’hora d’anar passava por aquest passeig

Parc de la Marina
Aquí jugava amb els meus amics i amigues quan sortia del col·legi i gairebé tots els dies venia la meva àvia. És un lloc on tinc molts bons records i és com la representació de la meva infància.

Mercat municipal
Paula G.
Conec aquest mercat des de ben petita i sempre he anat a comprar.

Parc de Bellvitge
Alba U.
És un parc on de dia està ple de gent gran i de nens, però pel vespre i quasi la nit, s’omple d’un ambient no gaire bo.

Escola la Marina
Aaron B.
He escollit aquest lloc perquè va ser la meva escola des de petit i tinc bons moments allà.