Platicas profundas y platicas sin sentido, personas con las que comparto una gran cantidad de emociones y que forman parte de mis memorias. Es un lugar que termina siendo el destino sin ser pensado, nos da un espacio en el cual se permite conectar.

Conectando con Barrancas
Cada mañana mi hermano me acompañaba caminando al colegio primario a las 6.45am y pasaríamos caminando por Barrancas de Belgrano cantando sus canciones de rap favoritas del momento. Por el mediodía, pasaría a buscarme por el colegio y antes de llegar a barrancas, frenaríamos en un kiosco a comprar dos obleas bonobon q disfrutábamos comiendo sentados en el parque por 5min, luego volveríamos a casa contentos listos para el almuerzo. Con el pasar del tiempo ya en el secundario, comencé a darle otra utilidad a la plaza, esta vez para ir a tomar mates por la tarde con mis amigas, o para previar por la noche los fines de semana. Hoy en día vivo a media hora de aquella plaza, pero siempre que paso en auto para ir a la Universidad, recuerdo todas aquellas memories.

The corner of memories
All my memories, all the souveniers of my roots, places I have visited, friends gifts stay together in this shrine that makes me fell I'm closer to the people and places I love
Winner of the fourth prize of the A-Place Mapping contest "Share your experiences of domestic places" 2022
...the corridor of memory...
Ariuna Bogdan
I have got an antique mirror, a chair and a writing desk from my mother-in-law. In my new house, there are reflections of them that create a corridor of memory. My books, film festival badges, brushes and paints, and an unfinished painting also fall into this corridor. I like a lot the poster featuring the meeting with Artavazd Peleshyan which I stole from the bulletin board... All this was before the 24th of February. Since then I have stopped working as a journalist, I cannot paint and watch movies. Since the war in Ukraine began, I have been looking at the portrait of Sonya, which you can see next to my writing desk, painted by Christian Schad (1928) and I have been thinking about her destiny as a German refugee during WW2. Next to the portrait it is a dried bouquet that was given to me before the war. I do not throw it away in the memory of last February. There is a wooden house on the windowsill our son is playing with. I look at this house and think that many people have lost their homes. I have also lost in the baroque curls of the mirror, in the corridor of memory, and I do not know when I am able to visit my homeland again.

Healing shadows
The cabinets of the hallway are filled with old photographs.
Memories flood you each time you pass.
One morning, I noticed how the sunlight was focused on a particular frame.
The one with me and my sister as kids outside our old home, I'm wearing a pink dress and she is in her jean suit.
I've never spoken about her with love, words have always been hard to articulate.
The past seems to haunt me often.
But the sunlight was so sweet that day, her face bright with a smile.
It reminded me of the smiles we used to share instead of tears, the screams of laughter instead of anger.
I could see her again & I was reminded that the darkness of the past will always haunt you unless you shed light on it.
Winner of the fourth prize of the A-Place Mapping contest "Share your experiences of domestic places" 2022

My Slice of Heaven
Niharika Mathema
My home has a sacred ground in my heart. It is a place where I can be my weirdest and the most authentic self. A place that will be right there waiting for me when I come back. A place where the stress of life melts away evoking a sigh of relief within and reminds me of the countless memories and values that shaped me as I walk through. Home means that no matter how challenging life gets, there will be someone looking out for me.
It’s the warm bed that I can’t get out of in the morning, the inviting aroma of tea brewing in the kitchen, the taste of mom’s breakfast while I am still tousle-haired and sleepy and the endless conversations at the dining table. It's the distinctive sound of the gravel as dad rolls down the car into the driveway, the wonderful sight of my grandparents talking their morning stroll, the ever-growing collection of books to be read on that shelf.
There’s no place on earth I’d rather be!

Memories on the shelf
On the shelf in the living room of my apartment, above the fireplace, I see the gift of two friends I met during my international master's degree in Gent, Belgium (one from India and the other from Mexico). I don't know when or if I will see them again, but I know it was a connection far beyond beliefs, cultures or habits. It was just a person to person connection and every time I look at these gifts, I think about how I felt when I was with them, the dinners we used to prepare with different dishes that I had never tasted before, and how amazing it was to share and exchange these new experiences with them...

feeling of past and present in one moment
i'm interior architect student in the north of cyprus. most of the time i'm walking around historical ruins in the city. in this view we passed near the st George of the Latins (the remains of one of the earliest churches in famagusta) and in one moment i had strange feeling . it was as if all the energy was there. i though for a moment what had happened here , what people have lived here . and once i came back to the present and saw in what calm and good weather i'm passing by this historic ruins with my best friend (my dog) and i quickly felt the past and present in one moment.

Online Stalemate
We have been in our homes for over a year. We work online, at least we try to work. This photo actually shows that how I have spent the last year. While looking at the screen at the desk... The objects that I touch the most are a keyboard, mouse, pen and cup. I don't even want to see them anymore. This process has taught me how much we humans need each other. I realized how positive the effect of even seeing a smile is. Despite this, we still continue to treat each other badly, I guess, even if people live through the worst disasters, they cannot learn to value, love and respect each other.

The unknown
Marina Papadaki
The beach has always been one of my mom's favorite places. This place was the last place I went with my mother before I moved to another country, so far from her... I remember that I reflected a lot on all the uncertainties and challenges I would face as a foreigner, away from all the people I love and everything I was used to. Today, two years later, when I close my eyes, I still remember that place, my mother and the feeling I felt that day.
Winner of the second prize of the A-Place Mapping contest "Share your experience of places" 2021

Ermita Sta Mª de Bellvitge
És el lloc on es van casar els meus tiets i anys després es van separar, i a sobre de petit sempre em donava por.
Ho veig com un símbol que ens recorda el passat i que hem d’avançar.
Winner of the fourth prize of the A-Place Mapping contest "Share your experience of places" 2021