EDDMC (El Desorden De Mi Cama)
Oscar Barbery
Fotografía digital toma directa. EDDMC (El Desorden De Mi Cama)
Eligo la cama porque lo considero un espacio dentro del espacio. Su forma rectangular me remite a perímetro delineado donde circula mi existencia de manera cotidiana y recurrente. La cama como territorio íntimo que da cuenta de una existencia pasajera.

Final rambla marina bellvitge
Em triat aquest espai perquè pensem que és un espai desaprofitat i és un bon lloc on parar-se per pensar o asseure's a mirar la ciutat.

Alba Baro Vaquero
I have always live near my city´s park. It is a park that unfolds along the riverbank, on a long walk made of pink and grey tiles on the high zone, and sand, brushes and giant trees on the low one.
A park is a peculiar place from which to observe a city. Since I was a little child I watch the passerby from my window and think about it as a kaleidoscope, through which the city reveals itself in its most anomalies shapes and most intensive colors.
In the park the city and its inhabitants dress up (dresses printed with flowers and phosphorescent sport-wear), they play at being what they are not, and at the same time (thanks to these masks) they undress, they move and allow themselves to breath in a way that they are no allow to do it on the sidewalks and urbanized streets. They seem to be disoriented or lost, uncomfortable due to the absence of traffic noise and the rowdy singing of birds.
Since I was a child, I also sometimes became a walker (the always ephemeral inhabitant of a park). There was once when I got lost in the park. In the middle of a tantrum I started running furiously. When I realized that I was alone I started to cry. Now I think that my tears were also caused by a subtle emotion: I was feeling at the brink of a possible adventure, as those lonely children who star in the tales of witches and ogres.
This photo was taken during the 2020´s pandemic, when all the country was confined. During most than a month the park remained closed, fenced off by police ribbons (as if a crime has been committed). Then, we were allowed to go out just for hour. During those days, from my window, I observed this couple sitting in the same bank, observing, in turn together in silence the park still deserted and savage, as is after years (maybe a entire life) of absence they have found again. And I, after all this time (my entire life), in a certain way, I found my-self reflected in them.

The largest waves in the world: Nazaré, Portugal
Alejandra Rivera
I have never seen such power, such energy and vitality in the ocean as in Nazaré, Portugal. Each strong wave, large and noisy is a reminder that this planet is alive and active. Almost flown with the wind, I immerse in a landscape of high energy. Everything around me is naturally moving: the ocean, the wind, birds flying, trees and grass try desperately to hold on to earth. I feel part of this movement, I jump and I am dragged by the wind. I feel alive. There is power all around us, and power within us, everything we know, see, hear and feel is energy. These waves, this landscape is a gift and it is only a small window to all of earth's wonders. It is our responsibility to respect, coexist and protect this planet, our own, one and only beautiful home.

on the river
This river, located at the north-eastern end of Catalonia, begins its course in the Pyrenees and, after traveling 208 km and covering a basin area of 3,010 km2, flows into the Mediterranean Sea. The route allows you to discover the legacy that the river has left on its banks, symbols of the dynamism of its people. And it also allows you to discover a changing landscape: high alpine mountain, medium mountain, agricultural, coastal, urban, riparian and wetlands.

Mindful unraveling scene
This is an experience in which i would love to share with everyone, especially the ones that would love to find themselves in places where they will meditate, feel the nature, the clear and cool breeze, and still have an interesting wonderful sight. This is a place where i personally use to go and sit and meditate and charge up my mind, the place is so peaceful and exquisite, which being there gives me an experience new to the one prior to my last visit. It is the Famagusta Walled City, which is also known as the Famagusta Castle.
I wouldn’t want to say there are no negative experience in this places, because all the times i found myself there i only try to focus on the positive thoughts about the place, but that doesn’t mean everything is perfect about the place especially regarding how some of the parts of this amazing historic heritage is neglected and being deteriorated, while authorities responsible for overseeing this place do little about making sure the historic aesthetical values are preserved and maintained.
Path to Nirvana
Suruchi Didolkar
Sanchi Stupa in Madhya Pradesh, India is one of the oldest Rockcut stupas. I was on a study trip when I happened to visit this place. It carries a lot of sanctity, calmness and tranquility that one would wish to run away from their daily chaos. The architectural details in the stupas resemble the Eightfold principles leading to liberation in the form of 'Nirvana'. The carvings, monasteries and lush gardens of Sanchi Stupa have been designated as the World Heritage site by UNESCO and thus it truly catches the eye where one can experience enticing natural beauty.

Capturing the socio-ecological memory
Suruchi Didolkar
‘Urban gardens’ are a plethora of socio-cultural, historical and environmental learning, that allows varied observant assert the sense of ‘the right to the city’ or reclaim an ‘urban commons’. One such urban garden uniquely hanging upon a historical water reservoir on Malabar Hill has been a source of solace and wonder for all. Beautifully designed by Ulhas Ghapokar in 1881 and dedicated to Sir Pherozshah Mehta, it is narrated to have been built over one of Bombay’s main water reservoirs to protect it from getting polluted by the nearby towers of silence. The garden is a manifestaton of a positive energy welcoming diverse group of visitors who see their interests towards fostering ‘civic ecological sense’ and ‘social associations’ with the flora-fauna and history in the city.

Judith Bertocchi
No hay mejor sensación que estar en casa. En casa, entendiendo aquel lugar dónde te sientes protegido, cargado de energía positiva, saludable. Allá dónde escuchas y sientes. Allá dónde eres feliz.

A relaxing place
Living in Tokyo, otherwise nicknames as a concrete jungle, it is a blessing to ba able to enjoy outoodr natural environments like this. This is just a short walk from my house and it is a special place that makes living in a megacity a great experience.

‘Chiringuito del parque’
Laia C.
Vaig celebrar la majoria dels aniversaris amb els meus amics, també vaig conèixer a molta gent i perquè és un lloc natural i molt bonic.

Rambla Marina
Aquest lloc m'agrada perquè pots passejar amb el gos, malgrat el soroll del trànsit.