Anna de Manincor and the ZimmerFrei collective, winners of the Video Production Open Call 2020

The project entitled “Città dentro - Hometown inside me” by Anna de Manincor and the ZimmerFrei collective, both based in Bologna, have been the winners of this call. We have rec

Posted on June 05, 2020

A Confined Place Open Call is still running

#AconfinedPlace OpenCall is still running until May 31st 2020! We are creating a repository that records, envisions and triggers actions and experiences about the sense of place during the period of

Posted on May 25, 2020

A Confined Place – a collective reflection

The blog “A Confined Place” contains photographs and texts produced by higher education students from La Salle School of Architecture, Universidade Nova de Lisboa and Faculty of Architectu

Posted on May 04, 2020

A-Place presentation in Loop Festival 2019

Within the professional meetings included in the programme of the Loop Festival in Barcelona, Leandro Madrazo and Ruben Verdú presented and discussed the A-Place project with a panel of artists

Posted on November 21, 2019