Students’ proposals for temporary interventions and events
Placemaking Event
12 May 2020
Ljubljana (Slovenia)
19 May 2020
In the last segment of the workshop course students collected and synthesised all the knowledge and information gained in previous sessions – from theoretical knowledge and references to actual insights into the morphology of the location and surroundings, socio-cultural structure and comprehensions of the latent users’ needs/expectations – to deliberately and strategically plan the possible temporary interventions. Each group of students was encouraged to propose a viable and with limited means doable (student manpower, skills and knowhow, limited budget, etc.) spatial intervention accompanied by public/community event (or series of events) to strengthen the role and meaning of a hidden place, to amplify the ties with current and potential users and to integrate the proposed intervention in the existing geospatial context.
In doing so, students were led by mentors of UL FA, ProstorRož, as well as invited critics, who reviewed the proposals several times to point out the possible drawbacks, claim potential enhancements, or make other suggestions.
Note: Initially planned on-site construction of the students’ collective ideas integrated into a cohesive temporary intervention, accompanied by public events had to be cancelled due to the strict Covid19 lockdown regulation. To compensate for cancelation and a major let-down to student motivation, we introduced student competition for a minimal intervention that could be prepared and actually built at the site in a given, limiting Covid19 conditions.
Zoom recording of the students' presentations is available on request.
Other files:
Špela Verovšek, Faculty of Architecture, University of Ljubljana (
Students (University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Architecture): Marieke Van Dorpe, Axel Schimpf, BarboraVýborová, Fadi Suidan, Anna Kotlabová, Nina Alexandra Karelina, Julia Cordero Pedrero, Daniela Leccese, Lucie Zadrapova, Zuzana Šutvajova, Julia Sepúlveda Antón, Paula Mora de Urquiza, Natalia Caparrós Pérez, Oriol Gracia, Natalia Caparrós, Lara Jana Gabrije, lIvana Gligorovska, Daniel Hernandez, Urša Katin Koželj, Xavier Llerena, Eider Oruezabala, Nives Otaševič, Maja Perpar, Lea Elena Vidmar, Klemen Žibert
Mentors from the cultural association prostoRož, mentors from the Faculty of Architecture, University of Ljubljana
Members of Trajna.