Rooms for rent
Watching each day the new and old tenants of a bug hotel in Mom's house.

EDDMC (El Desorden De Mi Cama)
Oscar Barbery
Fotografía digital toma directa. EDDMC (El Desorden De Mi Cama)
Eligo la cama porque lo considero un espacio dentro del espacio. Su forma rectangular me remite a perímetro delineado donde circula mi existencia de manera cotidiana y recurrente. La cama como territorio íntimo que da cuenta de una existencia pasajera.

Llegar. Descalzarse. Poner la pava. Hacer un mate.
El sol entra por la ventana justo en la esquina contraria, donde está el sofá. Me recuesto en él y miro la nada. Me gusta mirar la nada. La nada es un espacio con cosas, con detalles, miro las hojas del potus, hay una muerta o una nueva. La hiedra (se llama hiedra? me lo pregunto, no lo sé, tampoco googleo la respuesta) se movió, nadie la tocó asique ella solita movió sus hojas para seguir los rayos de luz. Observo el cuadro, los detalles de la ilustración, me pierdo en las finas líneas y colores. Me lo se de memoria, aún así, siempre descubro cosas nuevas. La nada no es la nada, está llena de cosas, pero cada cosa me hace detenerme y observar. Me hace presente en ese momento. Observar me adentra en mí, cada pensamiento hila una situación, una experiencia, a veces personas, a veces aromas.
La nada es la nada, pero al mismo tiempo, es todo.

Stepping into an unexplored world
Niharika Mathema
Ahh! That enticing old book scent, the feel of turning fresh new pages and relishing the printed words... spending time in my cosy reading nook filled with “portable magic” transports me to new lands, takes me on a journey to far away places and mysterious worlds and yet makes me feel like home. I find solace between the pages of the book. It spurs my creativity and imagination. That feeling is so unique.
If you want to live a thousand lives before you die, read books!

Cabinet of curiosities
Amir Chelly
I live in a small house with limited rooms, and therefore, I never had the chance to create a personal workspace, so I had to divide my bedroom into two small areas: a sculpting corner, and some space for my bed. The first thing that I see when I wake up is my workspace, and it is also the last thing I see when I go to sleep. Due to the limited space of my bedroom, my artworks became, overtime, one huge pile that limits my movement around my room, yet I still enjoy spending and investing a lot of time doing what I love the most. I have always dreamt of extending our house so I can turn it into an open space for cabinet of curiosity, where everyone can come to see my creations. In Tunisia, the number of galleries is limited, as well as artisric opportunitinies, but more than that, the concept of cabinet of curiosity does not exist! which becomes the reason why I am aiming to create my own public cabinet of curiosity.

Conciencia y agradecimiento
Donde estoy?
Conciencia material, habito este cuerpo.
Boca seca, donde esta el vaso con agua? sabor a una noche pasada, trago con dificultad, boca seca, sed, trago de nuevo y por impulso abro los ojos, observo, respiro.
Agradezco y me levanto.

The curtain light
Abdul kafeel
La luz que entra por la cortina de la ventana de mi dormitorio me despierta cada mañana para darme los buenos días. Bebo un té mientras abro las cortinas para empezar el día.
Buenos días Barcelona...

Small things to love
Are great things necessary to love?
Sometimes the smallest things are not enough to light the fire of love in your heart?
Proof that we shouldn't expect big things for love. Seeing her sunbathing in her corner every morning when I wake up makes it more meaningful to wake up every morning. You can't even imagine how full of love this tiny creature is. The little thing that shines with love in my house of concrete that surrounds me. I say small because it's really small. With this little one, he taught me that in order to love, one should not have expectations. We must love to love by accepting all our differences, our diversity, we must bring out love from a tiny glimmer without expecting big things because this world needs love.