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A-Place_recap is born!

On January 20, 2023, our A-Place Instagram account was abruptly canceled by Instagram without prior warning or explanation. Despite our numerous attempts to seek clarification from Instagram, we received no response. Up to this point, we remain unaware of the reason behind the cancellation.

At the time of its cancellation, our account had amassed a community of over 700 followers, built over three years of consistent sharing of our work on this social media platform.

A-Place activities concluded on September 30, 2023, and we are currently in the process of finalizing the project reporting.

As part of this conclusion phase, we have decided to relaunch our Instagram account, retracing the steps we initially took when embarking on this journey in October 2019.

We invite you to reminisce about this journey with us.



More information about A-Place can be found in other channels:

- newsletters https://www.a-place.eu/newsletters

-  Twitter https://twitter.com/aplace_eu

-  Facebook https://www.facebook.com/APlace.eu

- YouTube https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCH2Vvzvi5pM9TtKTvNVdBIg