
Art Productions Events
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El Llobregat en L'Hospitalet. Creación de un imaginario desde la ecología, la comunidad y la cultura
El 24 de marzo de 2022, con motivo del Día Mundial del Agua, Sitesize organiza una mesa redonda en el Auditorio del Centro Cultural de Bellvitge para debatir sobre las formas de convergenc
Posted on 22/03/06
Recorded and edited in 2020-2021, TERRApolis is a trilogy dedicated to the city of L’Hospitalet de Llobregat that takes form in a journey through the physical, spiritual, human and non-human life of this place. The film is structured in three parts, corresponding to its geography: Puig d’Ossa, El Samontà and La Marina, three landscapes shaped by immutable natural presences, stories of the signs of the time and actions on the places.
TERRApolis is an audiovisual production by Sitesize, Elvira Pujol Masip and Joan Vila Puig Morera; with script by Sitesize, camera, editing and post-production by Fina Sensada and recording and sound creation by Carlos Gómez.
The premiere of the triology took place at the Centre d'Art Tecla Sala, in L'Hospitalet, on 29 June 2021.
To organize a series of debates and discussions around the topics addressed by the video: relationship with nature, collective and individual memories, sense of place, ....
To engage communities, academics, artists in a collective discussion about the sense of place.
Media Productions (Photographs & Videos):
Recorded and edited in 2020-2021, TERRApolis is a trilogy dedicated to the city of L’Hospitale
Posted on December 23, 2020
Sitesize - Elvira Pujol Masip and Joan Vila Puig