Placemaking Events
A_Just Place: Expo & Radio

Grand Hospice - expo video presentation
During the opening of A Just Expo the students presented a comparative research study on temporary occupations, critically questioning the values, narratives, practices, sites, and pedagogies of Pali
Posted on 23/02/06
A Weaved Place in L’Hospitalet (Barcelona)

Mapping and constructing places
This sequence of activities was carried out between April and November 2021. The aim was to involve pupils from different educational levels in a learning process about the sense of place in public sp
Posted on 21/12/19
A Weaved Place in L’Hospitalet (Barcelona)

Signifying the territory: Video
SDR students produced a video on a topic they found relevant in their previous photographic survey: the history of a place, an artistic intervention in the city, how people use a particular public spa
Posted on 21/12/13
A Weaved Place in L’Hospitalet (Barcelona)

Mapping the territory: Photographic survey
Third-year students of the subject Systems of Representation (SDR) carried out a photographic survey of the cityscape. The work was carried out in three stages: 1. Photographing L'H.
Posted on 21/11/19
A Weaved Place in L’Hospitalet (Barcelona)

Urban walk in La Florida neighbourhood
On June 22, 2021, we organized an urban walk through the neighbourhood of La Florida. in collaboration with members of the Espai Jove Sidecar, a community initiative to prevent the risk of social
Posted on 21/11/17
A Future Place in Lisbon

Poetry / Prose Poetry Contest “My neighbourhood… my place”
The Poetry and Prose Poetry Contest “My neighbourhood… my place” aims to poetically reflect on the past, present and future of Bairro Padre Cruz and its places, through texts and ot
Posted on 21/07/12
A Sound Place in Lisbon

Walking through Mouraria
One of the important parts of A-Sound Place project is working on an audio-visual collection that could represent the sounds of a neighbourhood, in this case Mouraria. Thus, developing and applying cr
Posted on 21/01/20
A Calm Place in Schaerbeek (Brussels)

ACalmPlace event during Living Reine : Dinner & Concert
To end the event with a celebratory environment, a dinner and concert was organized, creating an opportunity for exchange between the residents and students around the ‘Maison des Arts&rsqu
Posted on 20/12/16
A Calm Place in Schaerbeek (Brussels)

ACalmPlace event during Living Reine : Sensory Walk
The sensory walk was developed by the urban collective OURB and guided by KU Leuven alumni, and local artist Desislava Petkova. The goal of the walk was to
Posted on 20/12/16
A Calm Place in Schaerbeek (Brussels)

ACalmPlace event during Living Reine : Workshop Place de la Reine
Due to Covid-19 the event originally planned for May 2020 had to be postponed to October 2020. One positive outcome of postponing the event was that the event could be merged with the &lsquo
Posted on 20/12/16
A Calm Place in Schaerbeek (Brussels)

Exploratory Walk and Walk building workshop
The Exploratory Walk and Walk building workshop, were important preparatory tasks to complete in order to find connections between the intervened environments and to allow for the involvement of the K
Posted on 20/12/16
A Calm Place in Schaerbeek (Brussels)

Exploratory walk & positioning the signage
The Exploratory walk involved the spring semester, KU Leuven Alt-shift elective, students in the identification of the potential places to visit during the future Sensorial walk; a place-making activi
Posted on 20/12/16